
A retro-styled menu in JavaScript, HTML & CSS.

Originally developed for POKE THE GAME.

You can easily create alerts, prompts and confirm dialogs. As such it is also a very nice replacement for the built-in window methods.

API Documentation - Source code

Create a simple dialog that can be closed by pressing <ENTER>. Give it a title and some text.

Alternatively, it can be closed by clicking on the message.
//show a nice dialog
RetroMenu.alert_dialog("Message", "I am a nice message. ", function(){
    //destroy it on enter
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RetroMenu.confirm_dialog("Confirm me", "Are you OK?", function(response){
    //close dialog

    //Did we answer OK or cancel.
        RetroMenu.alert_dialog("Response", "That's great!", function(){
    } else {
        RetroMenu.alert_dialog("Response", "You should better go see a doctor. ", function(){
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Create a confirm dialog where the user can respond with "OK" or "Cancel". Confirm using <ENTER> and navigate using W - A - S - D or the arrow keys.

Alternatively, you can close it by clicking on the question. You can select by clicking on the items as well. Double-clicking will submit the dialog.
Create a prompt dialog where you can easily enter text.
RetroMenu.prompt_dialog("Question", "What is your name?", "<Your name here>", function(name){
          RetroMenu.alert_dialog("Response", "Hello "+name, function(){this.destroy(); });
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